Metrologic MS951 Programming Manual

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MS951 Hand-Held Laser Scanner
including all scanner configurations
Programming Guide
MLPN 2366
Printed in USA
November 1998
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Table of Contents
Scope of the MS951 Programming Guide ........................... 1
Programming the Scanner ........................................ 2
Enter Program Mode ............................................ 3
Recall Defaults ................................................. 3
Laser Activation Range .......................................... 4
Laser Operation ................................................ 4
Same Symbol Re-Scan .......................................... 5
Identical Symbol Re-Scan Indicator ................................ 5
1 vs 2 Scan Buffers ............................................. 5
Decode Options ................................................ 6
Beeper Tones .................................................. 7
Audible Indicators for Communication Timeouts ...................... 8
RS-232 Interface ............................................... 9
RS-232 Parameter - Baud Rate .................................... 9
RS-232 Parameter - Parity ...................................... 10
RS-232 Parameter - Data Bits .................................... 10
RS-232 Parameter - Hardware Handshaking ........................ 11
RS-232 Parameter - Software Handshaking ......................... 11
Intercharacter Delay ............................................ 12
RS-232 Parameter - Scanning Control (DTR Signal) ................. 13
“DE” Disable Command ........................................ 13
Longitudinal Record Redundacy Check (LRC) ....................... 14
Record Header/Terminator Select .............................. 14, 15
UPC/EAN Identifiers ........................................... 16
Keyboard Wedge (KB) Interface .................................. 17
KB Parameter - Keyboard Type .................................. 17
KB Parameter - Keyboard Country Type ........................... 18
KB Parameter - Caps Lock Mode ................................. 20
KB Parameter - Alt Mode ....................................... 20
KB Parameter - Inter Scan Code Delay (AT and PS/2 Modes) .......... 21
KB Parameter - XT - Clean-Up Bit ............................... 21
Record/Header Terminator Select .............................. 22, 23
Intercharacter Delay ............................................ 23
KB Parameter - Special Features ................................. 24
OCIA Options ................................................ 25
IBM 46XX Options ............................................ 26
IBM 46XX Parameter - Inter Record Delay ......................... 26
Light Pen Options ............................................. 27
Light Pen Emulation ........................................... 28
Code Type Selections ....................................... 28-30
Minimum Code Length for All Code Types ......................... 31
Code Length Minimum Feature ................................... 31
UPC/EAN Code ............................................... 32
UPC-A Options ............................................... 32
UPC-E Options ............................................ 33, 34
UCC Supplemental Options ..................................... 34
Supplemental ISBN Options ..................................... 35
Coupon Code 128 .......................................... 35, 36
Code 39 .................................................. 36, 37
Codabar ..................................................... 37
Interleaved 2 of 5 (ITF) ......................................... 38
Interleaved 2 of 5 (ITF) Symbol Lengths ........................ 39-41
ITF Minimum Symbol Length Test ................................ 42
MSI Plessey Check Digit ..................................... 42, 43
UK Plessey Options ............................................ 43
ScanPal Data Collector ......................................... 44
Test Modes ................................................... 44
Special Features ............................................ 45-47
User Programmable Prefix and Suffix ID Characters .................. 48
RB0 - RB9 Bar Codes .......................................... 49
ASCII Reference Table ...................................... 50-54
PC Extended Reference Key Tables ............................ 55, 56
Reserved Codes ............................................ 57-68
Disclaimer ................................................... 69
Index .................................................... 70-72
Scope of the MS951 Programming Guide
This Manual contains all of the configuration codes for all versions of the
MS951 hand-held bar code scanner products.
Not all hardware versions of the scanner support all of the features universally.
PC Keyboard Wedge units do not use baud rates. Light Pen emulation
scanners should not try to drop UPC/EAN check digits. Some features will
deliver different results based upon the primary interface selected.
Emphasis will be placed on PC Keyboard Wedge and RS-232 applications.
Keyboard Wedge units default to Keyboard Wedge communications. All other
units default to RS-232 parameters.
* *
Programming the Scanner
The scanner is shipped from the factory programmed to a set of default
conditions noted in this guide by an asterisk that appears before the brief
definition. Since each host system is unique, the scanner has to be configured
to match your host system requirements.
1. Connect the scanner to the host system or power source.
(Refer to the Installation and User’s Guide MLPN 2365.)
2. Scan the ENTER/EXIT PROGRAM MODE bar code.
(The unit will beep three times.)
Program Mode
3. Scan by positioning the output window within two inches of each code.
(When the first menu selection has been scanned, the laser will stay on
until the ENTER/EXIT PROGRAM MODE code is scanned again. If
no scanning occurs for 30 seconds while the scanner is in program
mode, the unit will beep three times and all changes made will be lost.
If this occurs, return to Step 1.)
4. Upon completing the scanning of the appropriate configuration options,
scan the ENTER/EXIT PROGRAM MODE bar code again. (The new
options will be saved and the scanner is ready for normal operation.)
Note: While in program mode, the scanner will make a “razz” sound when:
! the bar code it is scanning is not a program mode
code type;
! the feature is not currently supported in the firmware;
! the feature is not supported on the scanner’s hardware
The sound serves as an audible indication that the scanner will not
support that feature.
D F 1
R 1 8
R 1 9
D F 1
Recall Defaults
Enter Program Mode
**Ability to Enter Program When this option is selected, pro-
Mode After Any Scan gramming can be entered by scann-ing
bar code after power up or during
normal scanning operation.
Enter Program Mode When this option is selected, the
Only on First Scan scanner will only enter program
mode after power-up. Scan the
bar code immediately after the scan-
ner first receives power. This option
prevents the scanner from accident-
ally entering program mode during
normal scanning operation.
Recall Defaults
If during programming of the scanner,
there is a need to return to the original Recall Defaults
factory settings, scan the RECALL
DEFAULTS bar code. Any settings
selected during that session or a
previous session will be lost.
* *
R S 1
R S 3
R S 2
R S 4
R S 5
R S 6
L P 8
Enter/Exit Program Mode
Laser Activation Range
Short Range Activation When this option is selected, the IR sensor
Out of the Stand is guaranteed to be activated when the posi-
tion of the scanning window three inches from
the object.
Short Range Activation When this option is selected, the IR sensor
In the Stand is guaranteed to be activated when an object is
presented three inches from the scanning
**Long Range Activation When this option is selected, the IR sensor
Out of the Stand is guaranteed to be activated when the posi-
tion of the scanning window is eight inches
from the object.
**Long Range Activation When this option is selected, the IR sensor
In the Stand is guaranteed to be activated when an object is
presented eight inches from the scanning
Laser Operation
** Normal Scan This option is the default setting. When the laser is
activated by the IR sensor, the laser beam emits from the
output window and displays a constant, horizontal line
until a bar code is sensed or until the scanner timeout
Pulsing Scan When the laser is activated by the IR sensor, the laser
beam emits from the output window and displays a
horizontal line that pulses until a bar code is sensed or
until the scanner timeout elapses.
Custom Scan This option is available for special applications.
Do not scan the CUSTOM SCAN bar code unless
instructed by a Metrologic representative.
D F 1
R 3 0
R 3 1
E X 6
E X 5
R 9 2
R 9 3
Recall Defaults
Same Symbol Re-Scan
The scanner is programmed with a same symbol timeout.
For SHORT SAME SYMBOL RE-SCAN, the time delay Short Same
is ½ second, while the LONG SAME SYMBOL RE- Symbol Re-Scan
SCAN delay is 1 second. These numbers represent how
much time that a bar
code must be out of the scan field before that bar code can
be scanned again. ** Long Same
Symbol Re-Scan
Identical Symbol Re-Scan Indicator
During the same symbol timeout, the LED’s do not ** Disable Green LED
provide an indication of when the unit is ready to
begin scanning the same symbol again. To program
a LED to flash when thepreset delay is over, configure
the scanner to Green LED Enabled.
Enable Green LED
1 vs 2 Scan Buffers
This feature controls the number of bar codes Enable 2 Scan Buffers
considered for the purposes of the same symbol
re-scan. The default, 1 scan buffer only compares
new scanned data against the last bar code scanned.
2 scan buffers allow the scanner to test the last
2 bar codes scanned for same symbol re-scan **Enable 1 Scan Buffer
* *
R 8 6
R 8 7
Enter/Exit Program Mode
Decode Options
Enable 2X Redundancy (MECCA)
*Disable 2X Redundancy (MECCA)
The following bar codes are very useful when working with Code 39 and
Codabar applications.
Enable Double Border Requirement
(large inter-character space requirement)
**Disable Double Border Requirement
(large inter-character space requirement)
D F 1
B P 1
B P 2
B P 3
B P 4
Recall Defaults
Beeper Tones
The scanner can be programmed to emit a certain tone. If necessary, scan the
appropriate bar code on page 3.
Alternate Tone 1 ..........................Low Tone
Alternate Tone 2 ..........................High Tone (Default)
Alternate Tone 3 ..........................Medium Tone
No Tone
Alternate Tone 1
**Alternate Tone 2
Alternate Tone 3
No Tone
* *
O C 5
O C 7
O C 9
R 5 0
R 5 1
O C 6
O C 8
Enter/Exit Program Mode
Audible Indicators for Communication Timeouts
Two Second Timeout When this option is selected, the scanner will
timeout if it does not transmit its data to the host
after two seconds during communication. This is
only valid in modes where some type of
** No Two Second handshaking is involved.
Razz Beep on Timeout When this option is selected, the scanner will
produce an audible razzberry tone when
communications have timed out.
** No Tone On Timeout
Three Beep on Timeout When this option is selected, the scanner will
beep three times when communications have
timed out.
** Beep Before Transmit When this option is chosen, the scanner will
beep before each label is transmitted.
Beep After Transmit When this option is chosen, the scanner will
beep after each label is transmitted.
Generally used in conjunction with 2
second communications time out.
Especially useful with OCIA and IBM
46XX applications.
D F 1
B R 1
L P 2
B R 2
B R 3
B R 4
B R 5
B R 6
B R 7
B R 8
Recall Defaults
RS-232 Interface
** Enable RS-232 Interface
RS-232 Parameter - Baud Rate
A baud rate is a unit that measures the speed with which information is
transferred. The baud rate of the scanner must equal the baud rate of the host
device. The available baud rates range from 300 to 38400.
300 Baud Rate
600 Baud Rate
1200 Baud Rate
2400 Baud Rate
4800 Baud Rate
** 9600 Baud Rate
19200 Baud Rate
38400 Baud Rate
* *
P A 3
P A 4
D 8 1
D 8 2
P A 1
P A 2
Enter/Exit Program Mode
RS-232 Parameter - Parity
Parity is an additional digit that makes the number of bits in the ASCII code
odd or even. The scanner’s parity must match the host’s parity.
**Space Parity Select this option to make the parity bit always 0.
Even Parity Select this option to make the additional parity bit either a
0 or 1 to guarantee an even number of bits.
Mark Parity Select this option to make the parity bit always 1.
Odd Parity Select this option to make the additional parity bit either a
0 or 1 to guarantee an odd number of bits.
RS-232 Parameter - Data Bits
RS-232 serial communication requires ASCII data to 8 Data Bits
be transmitted in either 7 or 8 data bits. In addition,
one parity bit will be transmitted. If necessary, scan the
appropriate bar code that matches your host device’s
Generally, if 7 data bits are selected, 2 stop bits are ** 7 Data Bits
transmitted. If 8 data bits are selected, 1 stop bit is
transmitted . Stop bits are actually just an idle trans-
mit line. From the scanners perspective, they are only
important if the scanner is receiving more than 1 byte
of information at a time. For most applications, the
scanner is a transmit only device.
D F 1
H H 1
H H 2
R 5 6
R 5 7
S H 2
S H 1
S H 4
S H 3
Recall Defaults
RS-232 Parameter - Hardware Handshaking
To prevent scanned information from being lost Enable RTS/CTS
during transmission, your host device may require
an RTS/CTS signal. When the RTS/CTS (Request
To Send/Clear To Send) is enabled, the scanner
will output an RTS signal and wait for a CTS ** Disable RTS/CTS
signal before any data is transmitted. The default
setting of RTS/CTS is disabled. If necessary, scan
the ENABLE RTS/CTS bar code.
** Character RTS/CTS When this option is chosen, the scanner will
activate and deactivate its RTS signal on each
character that it transmits.
Message RTS/CTS When this option is chosen, the scanner will activate
and deactivate its RTS signal on each message that it
transmits. This mode should normally be enabled for
Sanyo registers.
RS-232 Parameter - Software Handshaking
For control of the data transmission process, use ACK/NAK or XON/XOFF
instead of or in addition to the RTS/CTS hardware handshaking option.
Enable ACK/NAK When this option is enabled, the scanner will not
scan again unless an ACK (ASCII 06H) is
received after transmission of a bar code. If an
NAK (ASCII 15H) is received, the scanner will
** Disable ACK/NAK retransmit the bar code.
Enable XON/XOFF When this option is enabled, the scanner will stop
transmission whenever an XOFF (ASCII 13H) is
received. Transmission will resume after an
XON (ASCII 11H) is received.
** Disable XON/XOFF
* *
R 2 0
R 2 1
R 2 2
R 2 3
Enter/Exit Program Mode
Intercharacter Delay
The time specified with an Intercharacter delay bar code represents the interim
of time between transmission of characters. Some host systems require this
delay when receiving transmissions, others do not. If necessary, scan the
appropriate bar code.
No Intercharacter Delay
**1 Millisecond Intercharacter Delay
5 Millisecond Intercharacter Delay
25 Millisecond Intercharacter Delay
D F 1
H H 3
H H 4
R 3 2
R 9 4
R 9 5
Recall Defaults
RS-232 Parameter - Scanning Control (DTR Signal)
When the DTR (Data Terminal Ready) input Enable DTR Input
is enabled, the scanner will not transmit unless
an active (+12V) DTR signal is present on the
scanner’s DTR input pin. The scanner can be
disabled by making DTR inactive (-12V) at ** Disable DTR Input
the DTR input pin.
The DTR Scan Disable feature will prevent
any scanning when the Enable DTR input Enable DTR Scan Disable
feature is chosen. Before enabling the Enable
DTR Scan Disable feature, first scan the EN-
ABLE DTR INPUT bar code. To turn off this
feature, scan the Recall Defaults bar code.
"DE" Disable Command
Enable "DE"
Disable Command
When this option is enabled, the scanner will stop scanning when it receives
an ASCII "D"from the host device. Scanning will resume when the scanner
receives an ASCII "E". This feature will only work with RS-232
*Disable "DE"
Disable Command
When this option is chosen, the scanner will not stop scanning when it receives
an ASCII "D" from the host device.
* *
R 5 8
R 5 9
R A 0
R 9 9
T R 2
T R 1
T R 4
T R 3
Enter/Exit Program Mode
Longitudinal Redundancy Check (LRC)
A Longitudinal Redundancy Check (LRC)is an Enable LRC Calc+
error checking character that is calculated across Transmit RS232
a sequence of data characters. It is determined by
eXclusive ORing (XOR) the characters to be
checked, starting with an initial value of 00H.
**Disable LRC Calc+
The result, an "LRC byte" is then transmitted Transmit RS232
following the data stream and used by the receiving
computer to determine if the information was received
correctly. In the scanner's case, XOR is performed
prior to adding parity bits. Start LRC on
First RS232 Byte
When the LRC is enabled, the scanner defaults to
starting the LRC on the second byte of information
transmitted. Optionally, the calculation can start on **Start LRC on
the first byte transmitted. Second RS232 Byte
Record Header/Terminator Select
** CR On When this option is on, the scanner will transmit a
Carriage Return after each bar code.
CR Off
** LF On When this option is on, the scanner will transmit a Line
Feed after each bar code.
LF Off
D F 1
T R 6
T R 8
T B 2
T B 1
T B 4
T R 5
T R 7
T B 3
Recall Defaults
STX Prefix On When this option is on, the scanner will transmit a Start
of TeXt (ASCII 02H) before each bar code.
** STX Prefix Off
ETX Suffix On When this option is on, the scanner will transmit an End
of TeXt (ASCII 03H) after each bar code.
** ETX Suffix Off
Tab Prefix On When this option is on, the scanner will transmit a TAB
(ASCII 09H) before each bar code.
** Tab Prefix Off
Tab Suffix On When this option is on, the scanner will transmit a TAB
(ASCII 09H) after each bar code.
** Tab Suffix Off