D F 1
H H 1
H H 2
R 5 6
R 5 7
S H 2
S H 1
S H 4
S H 3
Recall Defaults
RS-232 Parameter - Hardware Handshaking
To prevent scanned information from being lost Enable RTS/CTS
during transmission, your host device may require
an RTS/CTS signal. When the RTS/CTS (Request
To Send/Clear To Send) is enabled, the scanner
will output an RTS signal and wait for a CTS ** Disable RTS/CTS
signal before any data is transmitted. The default
setting of RTS/CTS is disabled. If necessary, scan
the ENABLE RTS/CTS bar code.
** Character RTS/CTS When this option is chosen, the scanner will
activate and deactivate its RTS signal on each
character that it transmits.
Message RTS/CTS When this option is chosen, the scanner will activate
and deactivate its RTS signal on each message that it
transmits. This mode should normally be enabled for
Sanyo registers.
RS-232 Parameter - Software Handshaking
For control of the data transmission process, use ACK/NAK or XON/XOFF
instead of or in addition to the RTS/CTS hardware handshaking option.
Enable ACK/NAK When this option is enabled, the scanner will not
scan again unless an ACK (ASCII 06H) is
received after transmission of a bar code. If an
NAK (ASCII 15H) is received, the scanner will
** Disable ACK/NAK retransmit the bar code.
Enable XON/XOFF When this option is enabled, the scanner will stop
transmission whenever an XOFF (ASCII 13H) is
received. Transmission will resume after an
XON (ASCII 11H) is received.
** Disable XON/XOFF