B1 B2
Picture A on the previous page is the picture of the ship’s side view with numbers and letters assigned to the frames.
General observations:
- the main frame is labelled by sign #
- from the main frame the frames towards the bow are labelled by letters A to L, whereas the ones
towards the stern are labelled by numbers 1 to 17.
- the frames towards the bow (in red) from letters E to L, and the ones towards the stern (in green) from numbers
7 to 17, are the frames Pack 03 templates are to be applied to, to make the mitred corner.
REMEMBER: all the frames are to be glued to the keel with letters and numbers towards the bow.
Pictures B1 and B2 display a sample of frames where the two paper templates are to be applied and printed on an
A4 sheet of paper at a scale of 1:1.
The blue template is always to be applied on the side of the number or the letter; the red template is always
to be applied on the other side. The main dierence is: in the frames with numbers (7-17) the blue template
is to be glued following the external outline of the frame, whereas the red template on the other side has to
follow the internal outline (see picture B1). ). In the frames with letters (E - L), the blue template is to be glued
on the internal outline of the frame, whereas the red one on the other side is to be glued on the external outli-
ne (see picture B2).