Relion 615 series

ABB Relion 615 series Engineering Manual

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Protection and Control
615 series ANSI
Engineering Manual
Document ID: 1MAC108982-MB
Issued: 2011-04-15
Revision: A
Product version: 4.0
© Copyright 2011 ABB. All rights reserved
This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written
permission from ABB, and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party,
nor used for any unauthorized purpose.
The software or hardware described in this document is furnished under a license and
may be used, copied, or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of such license.
ABB and Relion are registered trademarks of ABB Group. All other brand or product
names mentioned in this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective holders.
Please inquire about the terms of warranty from your nearest ABB representative.
ABB Inc.
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The data, examples and diagrams in this manual are included solely for the concept or
product description and are not to be deemed as a statement of guaranteed properties.
All persons responsible for applying the equipment addressed in this manual must
satisfy themselves that each intended application is suitable and acceptable, including
that any applicable safety or other operational requirements are complied with. In
particular, any risks in applications where a system failure and/or product failure would
create a risk for harm to property or persons (including but not limited to personal
injuries or death) shall be the sole responsibility of the person or entity applying the
equipment, and those so responsible are hereby requested to ensure that all measures
are taken to exclude or mitigate such risks.
This document has been carefully checked by ABB but deviations cannot be
completely ruled out. In case any errors are detected, the reader is kindly requested to
notify the manufacturer. Other than under explicit contractual commitments, in no
event shall ABB be responsible or liable for any loss or damage resulting from the use
of this manual or the application of the equipment.
This product complies with the directive of the Council of the European Communities
on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC Directive 2004/108/EC) and concerning electrical equipment for
use within specified voltage limits (Low-voltage directive 2006/95/EC). This
conformity is the result of tests conducted by ABB in accordance with the product
standards EN 50263 and EN 60255-26 for the EMC directive, and with the product
standards EN 60255-1 and EN 60255-27 for the low voltage directive. The IED is
designed in accordance with the international standards of the IEC 60255 series and
ANSI C37.90.
Safety information
Dangerous voltages can occur on the connectors, even though the
auxiliary voltage has been disconnected.
Non-observance can result in death, personal injury or substantial
property damage.
Only a competent electrician is allowed to carry out the electrical
National and local electrical safety regulations must always be followed.
The frame of the IED has to be carefully grounded.
When the plug-in unit has been detached from the case, do not touch the inside
of the case. The IED case internals may contain high voltage potential and
touching these may cause personal injury.
The IED contains components which are sensitive to electrostatic
discharge. Unnecessary touching of electronic components must
therefore be avoided.
Whenever changes are made in the IED, measures should be taken to
avoid inadvertent tripping.
Table of contents
Section 1 Introduction............................................................................5
This manual..............................................................................................5
Intended audience....................................................................................5
Product documentation.............................................................................6
Product documentation set..................................................................6
Document revision history...................................................................7
Related documentation........................................................................8
Symbols and conventions.........................................................................8
Safety indication symbols....................................................................8
Manual conventions.............................................................................8
Section 2 IED engineering process.....................................................11
Monitoring and control system structure.................................................13
Standard configuration concept..............................................................14
Section 3 PCM600 tool........................................................................19
Connectivity packages............................................................................21
PCM600 and IED connectivity package version.....................................21
PCM600 projects....................................................................................21
Communication between PCM600 and the IED.....................................22
Section 4 Setting up a project.............................................................25
Installing connectivity packages.............................................................25
Activating connectivity packages............................................................25
Setting up communication between PCM600 and the IED.....................27
Setting up IP addresses....................................................................27
Setting up the PC or workstation for point-to-point access to
the IED's front port.............................................................................28
Creating a new project............................................................................31
Building the plant structure.....................................................................32
Inserting an IED......................................................................................33
Inserting an IED in online mode........................................................34
Inserting an IED in offline mode........................................................42
Inserting an IED from the template directory.....................................44
Inserting an IED by importing a .pcmi file..........................................45
Setting the IED IP address in a project...................................................48
Table of contents
615 series ANSI 1
Engineering Manual
Technical key..........................................................................................50
IEC 61850 naming conventions to identify an IED............................51
Setting the technical key....................................................................53
COM600 project......................................................................................56
Importing a 615 series IED in a COM600 project..............................56
Using the Web HMI.................................................................................60
IED User Management...........................................................................61
Section 5 Protection and control engineering......................................65
Application Configuration tool.................................................................65
Function blocks..................................................................................66
Signals and signal management.......................................................67
Function block execution parameters................................................68
Execution order and feedback loops.................................................69
Configuration parameters..................................................................70
Connections and variables................................................................70
Hardware channels............................................................................71
Validation when creating an application configuration..................72
Validation on demand...................................................................73
Validation when writing to the IED................................................74
Parameter Setting tool............................................................................74
Configuration parameter....................................................................75
Setting parameter..............................................................................75
Setting group.....................................................................................75
IED parameter organization...............................................................75
Signal Matrix tool....................................................................................75
Load Profile tool......................................................................................78
Opening and closing Load Profile tool...............................................78
Load Profile tool user interface..........................................................81
Information fields...............................................................................82
Fault Record tool....................................................................................82
Opening and closing Fault Record tool.............................................83
Fault Record tool interface................................................................84
Section 6 LHMI engineering................................................................85
Single-line diagram engineering.............................................................85
Diagrams in Graphical Display Editor................................................85
Display window and sequence order............................................86
Symbol library...............................................................................87
Supported single-line diagram symbols........................................87
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2 615 series ANSI
Engineering Manual
HMI display raster layout and text font selection..........................89
Text handling................................................................................89
Adding static text..........................................................................89
Adding a measurand....................................................................90
Adding a busbar...........................................................................91
Adding symbols into a display page.............................................92
Drawing lines to create links.........................................................93
Bay configuration engineering...........................................................94
Creating a complete HMI display page.........................................94
Linking process objects................................................................96
Section 7 IEC 61850 communication engineering..............................99
IEC 61850 protocol references and pre-conditions................................99
IEC 61850 interface................................................................................99
IEC 61850 interface in the IED........................................................100
GOOSE data exchange..............................................................100
Function view for IEC 61850 in PCM600.........................................101
Station configuration description file types......................................102
IEC 61850 engineering process...........................................................102
Exporting SCL files from PCM600...................................................103
Exporting SCD files....................................................................103
Exporting ICD or CID files..........................................................105
Engineering vertical and horizontal communication in CCT600......106
Importing SCL files to PCM600.......................................................108
Importing SCD files.....................................................................108
Importing ICD or CID files...........................................................111
Writing communication configuration to the IED..............................111
Section 8 Glossary............................................................................113
Table of contents
615 series ANSI 3
Engineering Manual
Section 1 Introduction
1.1 This manual
The engineering manual contains instructions on how to engineer the IEDs using the
different tools in PCM600. The manual provides instructions on how to set up a
PCM600 project and insert IEDs to the project structure. The manual also recommends
a sequence for engineering of protection and control functions, LHMI functions as well
as communication engineering for IEC 61850 and other supported protocols.
1.2 Intended audience
This manual addresses system and project engineers involved in the engineering
process of a project, and installation and commissioning personnel, who use technical
data during engineering, installation and commissioning, and in normal service.
The system engineer must have a thorough knowledge of protection and/or control
systems, protection and/or control equipment, protection and/or control functions and
the configured functional logics in the IEDs. The installation and commissioning
personnel must have a basic knowledge of handling electronic equipment.
1MAC108982-MB A Section 1
615 series ANSI 5
Engineering Manual
1.3 Product documentation
1.3.1 Product documentation set
Planning & purchase
Application manual
Operation manual
Installation manual
Service manual
Engineering manual
Commissioning manual
Communication protocol
Technical manual
Planning & purchase
Planning & purchase
Application manualApplication manual
Operation manualOperation manual
Installation manualInstallation manual
Service manualService manual
Engineering manualEngineering manual
Commissioning manualCommissioning manual
Communication protocol
Communication protocol
Technical manualTechnical manual
IEC07000220 V1 EN
Figure 1: The intended use of manuals in different lifecycles
The engineering manual contains instructions on how to engineer the IEDs using the
different tools in PCM600. The manual provides instructions on how to set up a
PCM600 project and insert IEDs to the project structure. The manual also recommends
a sequence for engineering of protection and control functions, LHMI functions as well
as communication engineering for IEC 61850 and other supported protocols.
The installation manual contains instructions on how to install the IED. The manual
provides procedures for mechanical and electrical installation. The chapters are
organized in chronological order in which the IED should be installed.
The commissioning manual contains instructions on how to commission the IED. The
manual can also be used by system engineers and maintenance personnel for assistance
Section 1 1MAC108982-MB A
6 615 series ANSI
Engineering Manual
during the testing phase. The manual provides procedures for checking of external
circuitry and energizing the IED, parameter setting and configuration as well as
verifying settings by secondary injection. The manual describes the process of testing
an IED in a substation which is not in service. The chapters are organized in
chronological order in which the IED should be commissioned.
The operation manual contains instructions on how to operate the IED once it has been
commissioned. The manual provides instructions for monitoring, controlling and
setting the IED. The manual also describes how to identify disturbances and how to
view calculated and measured power grid data to determine the cause of a fault.
The service manual contains instructions on how to service and maintain the IED. The
manual also provides procedures for de-energizing, de-commissioning and disposal of
the IED.
The application manual contains application descriptions and setting guidelines sorted
per function. The manual can be used to find out when and for what purpose a typical
protection function can be used. The manual can also be used when calculating settings.
The technical manual contains application and functionality descriptions and lists
function blocks, logic diagrams, input and output signals, setting parameters and
technical data sorted per function. The manual can be used as a technical reference
during the engineering phase, installation and commissioning phase, and during normal
The communication protocol manual describes a communication protocol supported by
the IED. The manual concentrates on vendor-specific implementations.
The point list manual describes the outlook and properties of the data points specific to
the IED. The manual should be used in conjunction with the corresponding
communication protocol manual.
Some of the manuals are not available yet.
1.3.2 Document revision history
Document revision/date
Product series version History
A/2011-04-15 4.0 First release
Download the latest documents from the ABB web site http://
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615 series ANSI 7
Engineering Manual
1.3.3 Related documentation
Product series- and product-specific manuals can be downloaded from the ABB web
1.4 Symbols and conventions
1.4.1 Safety indication symbols
The caution icon indicates important information or warning related to
the concept discussed in the text. It might indicate the presence of a
hazard which could result in corruption of software or damage to
equipment or property.
The information icon alerts the reader to important facts and conditions.
The tip icon indicates advice on, for example, how to design your
project or how to use a certain function.
Although warning hazards are related to personal injury, it should be understood that
operation of damaged equipment could, under certain operational conditions, result in
degraded process performance leading to personal injury or death. Therefore, comply
fully with all warning and caution notices.
1.4.2 Manual conventions
Conventions used in IED manuals. A particular convention may not be used in this
Abbreviations and acronyms in this manual are spelled out in the glossary. The
glossary also contains definitions of important terms.
Push button navigation in the LHMI menu structure is presented by using the push
button icons, for example:
To navigate between the options, use
and .
HMI menu paths are presented in bold, for example:
Select Main menu/Settings.
LHMI messages are shown in Courier font, for example:
To save the changes in non-volatile memory, select Yes and press .
Section 1 1MAC108982-MB A
8 615 series ANSI
Engineering Manual
Parameter names are shown in italics, for example:
The function can be enabled and disabled with the Operation setting.
Parameter values are indicated with quotation marks, for example:
The corresponding parameter values are "Enabled" and "Disabled".
IED input/output messages and monitored data names are shown in Courier font,
for example:
When the function picks up, the PICKUP output is set to TRUE.
Dimensions are provided both in inches and mm. If it is not specifically mentioned
then the dimension is in mm.
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Engineering Manual
Section 2 IED engineering process
PCM600 is used for various tasks in the IED engineering process.
IED engineering management
Organizing the bay IEDs in the structure of the substation by defining
voltage levels and bays below the substation. PCM600 manages the project.
Configuring the IED functions (for example, protection and control
functions) by using the Application Configuration tool.
Configuring the parameters and setting values for the IED itself and for the
process functions by using the Parameter Setting tool.
Drawing single-line diagrams and making links to dynamic process values
by using the Graphical Display Editor. The single-line diagrams are
displayed in LHMI on the bay IED.
Configuring connections between the application configuration function
blocks and physical hardware input and outputs by using the Signal Matrix
Communication management
IEC 61850 station communication engineering is done with a separate tool,
for example, CCT600. PCM600 interacts with CCT600 by importing and
exporting SCL files.
Configuring the GOOSE receive data connections to the IED's application
configuration function blocks by using the Application Configuration tool
and the Signal Matrix tool.
Configuring protocol data mapping for Modbus or DNP3 with the
Communication Management tool.
Disturbance record management
Generating overviews on the available (digital fault) recordings in all
connected protection IEDs by using the Disturbance Handling tool.
Manually reading the recording files (in the COMTRADE format) from the
protection IEDs by using the Disturbance Handling tool or automatically by
using the PCM600 Scheduler.
Managing recording files with the Disturbance Handling tool.
Creating recording file content overview reports for fast evaluation with
assistance of the Disturbance Handling tool.
Service management
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IED engineering process
615 series ANSI 11
Engineering Manual
Monitoring the selected signals of an IED for commissioning or service
purposes by using the Signal Monitoring tool and Event Viewer tool.
GUID-AEEFCDDD-591F-4555-A6D5-78FC69BF623F V2 EN
Figure 2: Organization of PCM600 in different management tasks
There are also additional functions for managing projects and organizing user rights.
PCM600 user management
Organizing users regarding their rights, profiles and passwords to use
different tools and functions in the tools.
Defining allowed activities for user profiles to use tools in PCM600.
Once the engineering of the IED is finished, the results must be written to the IED.
The connection between the physical IED and PCM600 is established via an Ethernet
link on the front or rear port on the IED.
Section 2 1MAC108982-MB A
IED engineering process
12 615 series ANSI
Engineering Manual