Command Command Description
goto: timeline: {start/end} goto start or end of timeline
goto: timeline: {n} goto frame position {n} within timeline
goto: timeline: +{n} go forward {n} frames within timeline
goto: timeline: -{n} go backward {n} frames within timeline
goto: timecode: {timecode} goto specified timecode
goto: timecode: +{timecode} go forward {timecode} duration
goto: timecode: -{timecode} go backward {timecode} duration
goto: slot id: {n} goto slot id {n} equivalent to “slot select: slot id: {n}”
jog: timecode: {timecode} jog to timecode
jog: timecode: +{timecode} jog forward {timecode} duration
jog: timecode: -{timecode} jog backward {timecode} duration
shuttle: speed: {-5000 to 5000} shuttle with speed
remote query unit remote control state
remote: enable: {true/false} enable or disable remote control
remote: override: {true/false} session override remote control
configuration query configuration settings
configuration: video input: optical switch to optical input
configuration: video input:
change the video input
configuration: audio input:
change the audio input
configuration: file format: {format} switch to specific file format
configuration: timecode input:
change the timecode input
configuration: timecode preset:
set the timecode preset
configuration: audio input channels: {n} set the number of audio channels recorded to {n}
configuration: record trigger:
change the record trigger
configuration: record prefix: {name} set the record prefix name (supports UTF-8 name)
configuration: append timestamp:
append timestamp to recorded filename
uptime return time since last boot
format: slot id: {n} prepare:
{exFAT/HFS+} name: {name}
prepare formatting operation filesystem type with
“slot id” can be omitted for the current mounted slot
“name” defaults to current volume name if mounted (supports
format: confirm: {token} perform a pre-prepared formatting operation using token
348Informationen für Entwickler (Englisch)